Does My Work Qualify?

The Alabama Craft Guild encourages innovative and masterful work in the Crafts. We seek a broad range of Alabama artists in these fields and are an inclusive organization. Our main annual event is the Fall Show at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens which is held the second weekend in November.  

Benefits of Being a Juried ACG Member

Those ACG members who have been accepted by the Standards Committee may sell items they crafted, similar to those presented to the Standards Committee for review, at the annual show or any other events ACG might sponsor. Members maintain juried membership status provided they pay annual dues even if they move out of state. An ACG Juried Member whose membership has lapsed for two years or more must re-apply to Standards.

Qualifications Towards Becoming a Juried Member

Craft categories considered are clay, fiber, glass, leather, metal, stone, wood, jewelry, and other (such as gourds, pine straw, basketry, etc.) If you make fine/traditional craft with another medium or technique, contact us to discuss your work.

All work must be designed and made by the artist and should reflect a high degree of skill and competence in the medium in which you are applying. The work should have a continuity of style, be recognizable as the artist’s work, and have a consistency of high-quality design from large to small items. No more than 25% of each item may be a purchased or found part. No pre-assembled kits or of any kind will be accepted. The work must be original and not a copied style or design. Items should not have been created in a class or workshop, copied from another artist or instructor’s work, and must be the individual creation and vision of the artist. Items made by a cottage industry will not be accepted.

The Standards Committee judges the work on principles including but not limited to:

1)    uniqueness and originality in creativity

2)    technical ability

3)    range of use of the medium

4)    completion of the work

5)    outstanding craftsmanship

6)    recognizable and cohesive style

We request that each piece be signed by the artist, with the exception of small items, indicating that it is their work in totality. The pieces must be ready for use by the customer. Pieces meant for the wall should be ready to hang by the customer.

Use of Purchased or Found Items in Work

Purchased items used in conjunction with the handcrafted piece are acceptable, as long as the focus remains on the handcrafted item. The purchased component cannot comprise more than 25% of the completed work. Some examples of acceptable purchased items would include earring wires, jump rings, and chains from which the handcrafted item is attached or a frame for the object if necessary to complete the piece. Found objects may be used in combination with the handcrafted piece but not exceed 25% of the completed piece. Any exceptions are up to the Standards Committee on a case-by-case basis.

If your work qualifies, go to How to Apply for the next step. If you have any questions about the process or if your work qualifies, please contact Standards Chair Adam Snyder