General Membership

Annual Membership Dues are $45. Membership is open to anyone in Alabama. To become a general member of ACG, download the New Member Application form HERE. This is an interactive form and can be filled out in Adobe. Once that is done, save it to your computer and then email it to Pay via PayPal link below or mailed check. General membership does not qualify an artist to participate in our annual show. In order to become an Exhibiting Artisan you must complete the steps below.

Standards Application

Once you are a member of ACG, you may apply to Standards and become an Exhibiting Member which allows a member to participate in the Annual Fall Show. Please DOWNLOAD APPLICATION HERE. If you have questions about exhibiting member status and whether your work qualifies within the fine craft categories, please contact us or click on the STANDARDS button in the top menu. Our categories include Clay, Fiber, Glass, Leather, Metal, Stone, Paper, Wood, and Other. Two-dimensional work such as photography, painting, and drawing are not accepted. For questions about the Standards process, please click here.

Annual Membership Dues $45

Standards Fee $25


Current Members Late Dues $60 after March 31 - Includes $15.00 Late Fee

New Members pay $22.50 after September 1 for remainder of the year.


If you aren’t able to pay through PayPal, you can send a check to:

Jennifer Lackey, Treasurer

1907 Saulter Road, Birmingham, AL 35209

Group Photos